Sacraments » Confirmation


The Sacrament of Confirmation is a continuation of our baptismal promise and to be fully welcome as an adult to the Catholic Church.  
Anyone who has been baptized AND received their first communion may prepare to receive Confirmation
  • Baptized Catholic children from ages 12 to 17 (typically 6th to 11th grade) and who have received First Communion can enroll to our Confirmation classes
    • Preparation for Confirmation is a 3-year program that begins in the 6th grade.
    • During their third year of the program, students receive the sacrament of Confirmation during the spring of their last year of the program. 
3 year
Focused on those to receive Confirmation in 2025
  • A pre-requisite class for students in the 6th grade or those students who have gap years in their faith formation

    • Note: students can be interviewed by our staff members to omit this class

  • A Confirmation registration form, a birth certificate, Baptismal certificate, and First Communion certificate must be turned in to the Faith Formation Office during registration.

    • Note: ALL sacrament certificates MUST come from the Main Parish Office. We will NOT accept certificate made from the Faith Formation Office
  • Class for students in 7th grade and up. 

  • Families must re-register for Year 2 classes

  • November 16, 2024 - Saint Research Paper must be turned in to the Faith Formation Office 

  • February 22, 2024 - Saint Name Report must be turned in to the Faith Formation Office 

  • Attend the Confirmation Retreat in February or March 2024

  • Complete 25 hours of the 35 Works of Mercy Hours to be eligible to re-register for Year 3

  • Class for students in 8th grade and up

  • Students must be re-register for Year 2 classes (to re-register all the Year 2 requirements must be completed and turned in to the Faith Formation Office)

  • December 11, 2024 - ALL PAPERWORK IS DUE
              • Approved Sponsor form 
              • 35 Works of Mercy Hours (each category must be complete)
              • 6 Service Reports
              • Funeral Questions
              • Letter to Director

  • February 2025- Parent Meeting (ALL paperwork is DUE!)

  •  Confirmation Rehearsal- TBD
  •  Confirmation Mass- TBD
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