Art and Environment

The Art and Environment committee is made up of dedicated volunteers who work weekends and holidays as well as late nights and early mornings to decorate the Church inside and out.
‘Many hands make light work’ is our motto, and we have the volunteers to back that up. The committee meets on an as needed basis to plan and decorate for the different liturgical seasons and celebrations, and to work to beautify the overall appearance of the church. This committee is responsible for the flowers and greenery in the church.
Flower donation Program – Our parish supports the importance of beautiful liturgy. As a result, we have flower arrangements made especially for Mass each week to reflect liturgical seasons and/or special events. This program is supported completely through the generosity of our parishioners, who have the opportunity to donate weekly to the flower donation program. They may donate all or a part of the flowers in honor of a special event such as a wedding or birthday or in memory of a loved one. To donate, please call the Liturgy Office or download the document below and drop it off at the church. We will accommodate each request as much as possible, but some dates or seasons may be restricted.
You can also donate to flowers for the seasons of Christmas and Easter through the church offering envelopes supplied by the parish at the beginning of Advent and Lent.
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