Meetings Minutes » Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes of February 27, 2020

Pastoral Council Meeting Minutes of February 27, 2020


FEBRUARY 27, 2020

On February 27, 2020, the Pastoral Council meeting was held in the rectory.

The opening prayer was said by Fr. Bill.

Present were Fr. Korpi, Freddie Andrade, Larry Pemberton, Cathy Pierce, Richard Gill, Sr., Oscar Velasquez, Linda DeBroux, and Anne Rouleau.

Absent were: Martin Alordzinu, Bernie Gately, Carol Krieger, Kit Wallace, Digger Smith and Shonnie Montoro.

Rick Lindsey was a guest speaker.  He spoke on the security system.

A motion was made by Rick Gill and seconded by Cathy Pierce to accept the minuets of October 24, 2019 meeting as submitted.  The motion passed on a majority voice vote.

The Chair thanked everyone for coming out.



Rick Lindsey gave us a report on the new security system in the Church and school.  There are cameras placed in strategic places.   We are in the process of getting the lights repaired all around the parking lot.  We need to get permission from the diocese.  PHASE I is to get a small group of people to walk around the Church and school to access what we need and to get bids.  PHASE II Replace all lights with LED lights down to Ferndale Road.  PHASE III Put all on timers.


Oscar Velasquez will give information on volunteer to cut trees.  He must be a licensed professional because of insurance.  Some trees have already been taken down.   We need a walk through the properties and get preliminary bids.


Fr. Bill reported that there are still approximately 200 chairs available for sale.  They are currently stowed in the Rectory garage.



There will be a meeting on March 11, 2020 with Larry, Cathy Pierce, Anne Rouleau and the heads of ministries to consider how we will proceed.  Each ministry should present one name and a brief bio of why he/she deserves to be the volunteer of the year.  Of these names one will be picked as the volunteer of the year.  All volunteers will be presented certificates of appreciation.  Fr. Korpi indicated he desired that Sam DiMascio (for all he did and hours spent with the recent church renovations) and Jan Clark (she volunteers every day at the office 8 hours a day) be recognized with the Volunteer of the Year award.


Digger expressly supports Larry Pemberton’s proposal to conduct a parish-wide volunteer recruitment event to be held over two weekends and completed not later than Sunday, May 17, 2020 (i.e., the weekend before Memorial Day).

Background: The day-to-day operation of all Holy Family’s Social Ministries programs depends on the generous contributions of time and talent from our extraordinary cadre of volunteers.  Digger cannot express too strongly his gratitude for all that they do and do so well.

Rationale: However, Holy Family has held neither a parish-wide volunteer recruitment nor volunteer appreciation event since 2017.  He has personally raised this issue at the last three pastoral council meetings and further made note of the fact that while we pay lip service to this issue at each council meeting, to date no action has been taken to conduct either of these two critical events.  As a result, our Social Ministries’ programs are beginning to experience precisely the kind of staffing issues that such long-term indifference would engender.



Fr. Bill gave us an update on the weekly offertory.  He indicated that the average weekly offertory is up approximately $3,000.00 while all the other collections are under last years.


We need two new members to replace Anne Rouleau and Oscar Velasquez (their second term is up and by the by-laws two terms is the maximum).  Cathy Pierce, Carol Krieger and Freddie Andrade volunteered to be on the selection committee for making recommendation to the Pastor for members to fill the vacancies.



Both Fr. O’Hara and Fr. Korpi are retiring this year.  Fr. Korpi’s last day will be June 25th And Father O’Hara’s last day is scheduled for July 1st.


The Parish Assembly is scheduled for Sunday, June 14th in the Fr. George Griffin Hall.  The points of the report will be the current financial state of the Parish and a report of the new renovations that were done and what still needs to be done.  Hopefully, our new pastor will have been named and he will be able to attend.


A Ministry Fair is tentatively set for the weekend of May 16 & 17.   Cathy Pierce and Anne Rouleau will chair that event.

Our next meeting will be April 23rd at 7:00 in the rectory.

The planning meeting for the 50th Anniversary will be held on March 5th.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 with a closing prayer by the Chair.

Submitted by:

Anne Rouleau




June 25, 2020